Microfinance and gender equality

VSLA/mikrofinans og ligestilling mellem kønnene

Research peger på, at kvinders opsparing løfter hele lokalsamfund og samtidig bidrager til ligestilling mellem kønnene. Se en generel introduktion til emnet på dansk her: https://www.sameksistens.com/post/kvinders-opsparing-l%C3%B8fter-hele-lokalsamfund

I det engelske afsnit nedenfor kan du finde rapporter og data, der underbygger sammenhængen mellem mikrofinans/VSLA, lokal udvikling og ligestilling mellem kønnene. 

VSLA/microfinance and gender equality:

Research points to, that VSLA groups as a methodology for women empowerment in groups can support development of whole communities and help fulfilment of gender rights and gender equality.

Please look below for good sources to dig into examples of in what way Women Economic Empowerment  sustain whole communities’ livelihood:

2019 NCG (Nordic Consulting Group) and CKU (Center for Church-Based Development) learning review: Please see various examples on how faith-based organisations can use their special position to support women economic empowerment, and also how this should be combined with including and supporting family values: CKU NCG gender equality review

 DCA (DanChurchAid) intern Paula May wrote her thesis on in what way DCA’s support to savings and loan groups in Malawi supported gender rights and gender equality:Paula May Thesis & Presentation

Abler Nordic interns Ida-Marie Ronby Olsen and Emma Siemens Lorenzen looked into in what way Abler Nordic’s investments into Indian microfinance help women’s empowerment Olsen + Lorenzen Presentation Link: https://60decibels.com/insights/mfi-index/

General intro to Women Economic Empowerment

 Global Communities webinars on women’s empowerment

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